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IBM Certified Deployment Professional Certification VCE Test

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IBM Certified Deployment Professional Certification (IBM Certified Deployment Professional) Exams (Available)
C1000-074 IBM FileNet P8 V5.5.3 Deployment Professional Total Question: 61 | Last Updated: Dec 25, 2024 SEE DETAILS
C1000-132 IBM Maximo Manage v8.0 Implementation Total Question: 64 | Last Updated: Dec 24, 2024 SEE DETAILS
C1000-140 IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.4.3 Deployment Total Question: 62 | Last Updated: Dec 26, 2024 SEE DETAILS
IBM Certified Deployment Professional Certification (IBM Certified Deployment Professional) Expired Exams
C1000-019 Expired IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.1 Implementation Total Question: 68 SEE DETAILS
C1000-041 Expired IBM Cloud Private V2.1.0.3 Deployment Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C1000-055 Expired IBM QRadar SIEM V7.3.2 Deployment Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C1000-063 Expired IBM Tivoli Network Manager V4.2 Implementation Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C1000-077 Expired IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.5 Implementation Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C2010-502 Expired IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile Devices V2.1 Implementation Total Question: 90 SEE DETAILS
C2010-505 Expired IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5.1 IT Asset Management Implementation Total Question: 138 SEE DETAILS
C2010-507 Expired IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation Total Question: 120 SEE DETAILS
C2010-538 Expired IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.2 Implementation Total Question: 120 SEE DETAILS
C2010-565 Expired IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 Implementation Total Question: 122 SEE DETAILS
C2010-568 Expired IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics V7.1 Implementation Total Question: 112 SEE DETAILS
C2010-569 Expired IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.6 Implementation Total Question: 134 SEE DETAILS
C2010-570 Expired IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 Implementation Total Question: 207 SEE DETAILS
C2010-577 Expired IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager V8.2 Implementation Total Question: 115 SEE DETAILS
C2010-590 Expired IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.3 Implementation Total Question: 140 SEE DETAILS
C2010-652 Expired IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Fundamentals Total Question: 100 SEE DETAILS
C2010-654 Expired IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager V7.2.1.3 Implementation Total Question: 69 SEE DETAILS
C2050-219 Expired IBM Sterling Order Management V9.1, Deployment Total Question: 104 SEE DETAILS
C2050-240 Expired IBM Sterling Configurator V9.1, Deployment Total Question: 112 SEE DETAILS
C2070-585 Expired IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture V8.1 Implementation Total Question: 124 SEE DETAILS
C2070-587 Expired IBM FileNet P8 V5.1 Total Question: 126 SEE DETAILS
C2070-991 Expired IBM FileNet P8 V5.2.1, Deployment Professional Total Question: 61 SEE DETAILS
C2140-046 Expired DOORS v9 Total Question: 68 SEE DETAILS
C2140-138 Expired Rational RequisitePro Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
C2140-648 Expired Rational Portfolio Manager Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
C2150-196 Expired IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.1 Implementation Total Question: 122 SEE DETAILS
C2150-197 Expired IBM Security Identity Manager V6.0 Implementation Total Question: 174 SEE DETAILS
C2150-198 Expired IBM Security Access Manager V7.0 Implementation Total Question: 147 SEE DETAILS
C2150-199 Expired IBM Security AppScan Standard Edition Implementation v8.7 Total Question: 55 SEE DETAILS
C2150-200 Expired IBM Security Systems SiteProtector V3.0 - Implementation Total Question: 67 SEE DETAILS
C2150-202 Expired IBM Security Access Manager for Mobile V8.0 Implementation Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
C2150-400 Expired IBM Security Qradar SIEM Implementation v 7.2.1 Total Question: 64 SEE DETAILS
C2150-575 Expired IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager V6.2.2 Implementation Total Question: 135 SEE DETAILS
C2150-596 Expired IBM Security Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.2 Implementation Total Question: 137 SEE DETAILS
C2150-609 Expired IBM Security Access Manager V9.0 Deployment Total Question: 69 SEE DETAILS
C2150-810 Expired IBM Security AppScan Source Edition Implementation Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
C2180-271 Expired IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5.1, Deployment Total Question: 49 SEE DETAILS
C2180-608 Expired IBM WebSphere Process Server V7.0, Deployment Total Question: 65 SEE DETAILS
C5050-062 Expired Rational UrbanCode Deploy Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C8010-471 Expired IBM Marketing Operations V8.6, Deployment Total Question: 59 SEE DETAILS
C9060-511 Expired IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1 Implementation Total Question: 69 SEE DETAILS
C9060-521 Expired IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 Implementation Total Question: 67 SEE DETAILS
C9060-599 Expired IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1 Implementation Total Question: 65 SEE DETAILS
C9550-271 Expired IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5.1, Deployment Total Question: 49 SEE DETAILS
C9560-040 Expired IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Change Configuration Release Management Implementation Total Question: 60 SEE DETAILS
C9560-507 Expired IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation Total Question: 68 SEE DETAILS
C9560-568 Expired IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics V7.1 Implementation Total Question: 56 SEE DETAILS
C9560-574 Expired IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V6.1 Total Question: 66 SEE DETAILS
C9560-652 Expired IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Fundamentals Total Question: 50 SEE DETAILS
C9560-655 Expired IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions V7.3 Implementation Total Question: 70 SEE DETAILS
C9560-656 Expired IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Service Request Management Implementation Total Question: 61 SEE DETAILS

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